Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Swimming in the Stupid

You tend to want to just totally ignore rank stupidity.  Why bother with the profoundly stupid?  But then, of course, that attitude can come back and bite you in the ass.  Just because an idea, or a person wielding that idea is obviously stupid, doesn't mean that it/they won't be taken seriously.

Yes, I am thinking about our current political debate and the brain-dead folks running for President in the Republican primary, although, really, this extends to all walks of life in our current cultural milieu.  Lately it seems stupidity has been elevated to a high-art.

And fairly intelligent folks seem to go out of their way to show that they too can do "stupid" unashamedly and with gusto.  I guess stupid is attractive because it just seems more "fun," and it's less lonely too! 

The crowd is a superb intellectual and spiritual leveler. 

"Come on in, the water's warm!"