Sunday, November 06, 2011

Strange and Good

If you can find that "calm center" you also find that others are suddenly very attracted to you.  The more you "get your space," the more others want to crash it.  Yesterday we were able to find that calm center in the storm of our existence.  The best way to do it: meditate!

So we had one of those extraordinary meditation sessions.  Everything fell away and we found a deep well of calmness and "wholeness."  Can't really buy that feeling.  And it doesn't always come when called, but when you do find it, everything changes, everything is transformed.

And there are consequences everywhere you turn.  Suddenly we were in demand.  Everyone wanted to be around us, like moths to the flame.  It was almost funny how suddenly we were the celebrities of the neighborhood, people came out of the woodwork to demand our time, to bask in our glow.

And we kind of floated above everyone like a little butterfly of energy.  We could not be contained, or slowed down, or burdened with any demands or problems.  It was strange, and good.