Saturday, November 26, 2011

Moby - Bald Zen Dance Dude

For some strange, unexplained, and frankly unexplainable reason, I'm reading a book about MOBY.  Never really listened to his music, never really thought about him as a person or an artist.

 I was in a used bookstore and on impulse bought the book for $6 bucks.

And I'm finding the book quite entertaining.  Loads of information about songs and discs that I've never heard, and not really compelled to listen to.  Much of the book just kind of floats across my eyeballs, floats into my brain, and then sort of dissolves.

It's kind of a refreshing brain-rinse after reading the pretty heavy, and kind of depressing, biography of Ian Curtis.  Moby is funny and seems to enjoy life.  His monster album was called "Play," and that kind of describes his vibe.  A little bald dude, a playful gnome, making interesting electronic dance music.

MOBY comes across as a pretty intelligent and like-able guy.  A vegetarian, a "christian" a progressive thinker.  And really he doesn't take himself so seriously.  It's kind a bald Zen thing.

And dare I say there are some laughs and tidbits of wisdom in the book?  Yes, indeed.  Moby is emerging as quite the cool artist. Really.  And it looks like I have lots of catching up to do.  I surfed around You Tube and came across lots and lots of beautiful MOBY music.

"I can't get upset over other people's failings"- MOBY