Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Land of the Shopper, Home of the Corporate Shill

Yesterday the NY Times had a nice little article about Adbusters and the old Estonian Dude, Kalle Lasn, who coined the "meme" OCCUPY WALL STREET and helped brand a movement.

Adbusters has been on an anti-consumerist/anti-corporate movement for quite awhile and maybe, finally, that movement has seeped into the national consciousness.

You realize that America is on the road to becoming, as John Robb calls it, a HOLLOW STATE, where "Corruption and violence are its only traits."  Think of a massive military with lots people-killing capability, no holds barred rules, combined with a class of CRONY CAPITALISTS who have looted the Treasury and used the money to gamble and live high on the hog.  Welcome to America Dudes and Dudettes!

That leaves the rest of us poor schmucks in the wilderness.  Left to our own devices.  Of course, we are all encouraged to shop and kind of forget about it all.  But the meme is out there and folks are waking up.  I suppose it could all get ugly, but there are also glimmers of hope. I throw my lot in with the glimmers!

And even if the heavy hand of the law clears out all those parks, the movement is alive in the heads of lots and lots of people.

And yes, take a close look at Old Glory:  Land of the Shopper, home of the Corporate Shill!