Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Electrified Monkey!

I've lately been totally enamored with Ryan Adams and his beautiful, melodic, "Ashes and Fire," so when the Lovely Carla brought home Tom Wait's "Bad As Me," I just wasn''t "having it." It sounded a little too ragged and jagged to my ears. I just didn't think I was up for another dose of Wait's "electrified monkey schtick." 

That voice: Howling Wolf/Screaming Jay Hawkins/Louis Armstrong on steroids!

I mean, I am a Waits fan from way, way back, but on first listen, I wasn't moved by his latest effort. It kind of sat hard on my ears. But then I listened again, I listened to what Mr. Waits was actually saying, and then I saw this video. And then, well, it all came back in a flash.  I remembered that I love Wait's "electrified monkey schtick!" And of course, there's beauty in the tracks too, and melody and bold ideas.  And Keith Richards guests on guitar and backup vocals on some tracks.   Brilliant, essential, Waits!
