Monday, October 24, 2011

Wilco's The Whole Love

Yesterday we had a rental car and we trekked out to the suburbs.  Besides counting all the closed stores and desolate abandoned strips malls on the way, we listened to another cool disc I recently purchased at my favorite record store.  Yes, I still buy CDs, (how old world) there is something about having something you can hold in your hand that appeals to me.  It's the appeal of tangibility!

The disc in question: Wilco's The Whole Love.  What to say?  It's superb.  A band at their peak for sure.  There is a quiet confidence to this band that just comes across in the tracks.  They have melded all their great players into a power-packed outfit.  Nels Cline does some amazing guitar work.  Love the bass playing, the keyboards and the noise and "sound effects" throughout the disc.

The songs are layered and complex, but there is an assurance and ease about it all.  I kept thinking "Beatlesy"  as in like the Beatles at their best.  Yeah, that's kind of a weird idea, Wilco as Beatlesesque, but I think it's true.  I kept hearing it from track to track.  Maybe it's something about how they are now a band in total control of their creative destiny.  They have their own recording studio - The Loft, they have their own label, and they just seem so comfortable and exploratory as a creative outfit.

They seem totally free to take the songs in any direction they desire.  Very much like the Beatles at their best.

This collection of songs really holds together well, lots of beauty and harmony and noise and surprising turns.  All of this comes organically.  This disc will bowl you over.  Jeff Tweedy's singing is great throughout - there is power and joy and touch of world-weariness  in his voice.  But it's all so r&r and exhilarating!  Most highly recommended!