Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why They Hate Hippies

The Occupy Wall Street movement has unleashed a backlash from the usual suspects.  If you are defined by your enemies, then we know for sure that the Occupiers are on the right track - right cause, right time, right now!

Still it all leads me to this question: Why do some folks Hate Hippies?!  I think it's because people hate a "know-it-all."  It's the same problem some people seem to have with Paul Krugman - HE SEEMS TO BE ALWAYS RIGHT!

Hippies were/are right about so much, I suppose it can be annoying...

They were right about love - make it.
They were right about war - don't make it.
They were right about yogurt - eat it.
They were right about the planet - save it.
They were right about organic food - it's healthier.
They were right about free love - practice safe sex!
They were right about rock & roll - it's exhilarating!
They were right about drugs - OK this one is a mixed bag, but the illegals are still probably the best ones.
They were right about patchouli - love that smell!
They were right about yoga - flexibility!
They were right about alternative medicine - first do no harm!
They were right about "back to nature" - it's where we came from and is our life-line!
They were right about lava lamps - cheap entertainment!

There's probably more to add, but that's a pretty good start!  Hippies!