Sunday, October 16, 2011

We Call Fate

Your body is your vehicle, and your friend.  But of course, it will betray you.  Or maybe the betrayal  is really a "payback" for past sins.  And even if you don't believe in sin, you will still pay the price.

You will also pay the price in cases of bad luck or ill circumstance.  So even if you didn't earn it, or "deserve" it, there will always be an accounting.  You are given these gifts, but you pay for them some time down the line.

There are times when "you" and "your body" diverge.  Those are times of trauma, or crisis.  You are left to pick up the pieces, lick your wounds and try to heal.  Healing is sort of like magic.  Let's say you have a damaged finger, blood, a deep cut.  Almost as soon as the bleeding subsides, the healing process is at work. 

So in that sense, you don't really "try to heal," you just heal.  You may bear the scar, you carry the experience, it becomes another episode in your personal drama, but you don't have to work at it.  Forces converge and you carry on.

Of course there are some wounds that cannot be healed.  Those are the "grave ones."  Some of those you don't come back from, they actually lead to the grave.  You try to avoid those kinds of wounds.  But there is no avoiding in this realm.

That's a strange circumstance we call "fate."  And you want to escape, but there is no escape.