Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spring-Time for Revolution!

Yes, so the funny thing is, that's how it always seems to work...

It was the actions of the King that led to the death of Kings.  Too much power and wealth concentrated in too few hands.  Finally the King falls, loses his head, or bites the bullet.

And it was the actions of the Communists that led to the death of the Communists.  Too much power and wealth concentrated in too few hands.  Finally the party collapses under the weight of it's own privileged hubris.

And it was the action of the Holy Roman Catholic Church that killed the Church.  Too much power and wealth concentrated in too few hands.  The Church rallies to protect a generation of priestly "child molesters."  The power of the Church is a snake coiled around it's own filthy throat.

And now well, it's clear that it is the actions of the Capitalists that leads to the death of capitalism.  Too much power and wealth concentrated in too few hands.  The crony capitalists scratch their own backs, while the country flails. The Capitalists have no one to blame except themselves with too much greed, too much pride, too much selfishness for their own good.

It is the spring-time of Revolution!