Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Music!

I stopped in 2nd Hand Tunes yesterday afternoon and plunked down some cash for new music.  When I say "new music" I mean artists totally new to these ears.

I took the plunge on some singer/songwriters I've never listened to before, and I must say I absolutely love these two discs on first listen:

1. Vic Chestnutt - Ghetto Bells - What a surprise.  Chestnutt has a great voice, and he is a spikey, quirky lyricist.  This record is loose and assured.  The band is superb.  Bill Frissell adds some "expansive guitar," and Van Dyke Parks adds piano, organ and string arrangements.  The record is funny and sad and fiery too.  Chestnutt sings his heart out and he was a soulful, passionate energy!  This one was released in 2004.  Chestnutt is no longer with us, he committed suicide last year at the age of 45.  Chestnutt has a long discography.  I guess Michael Stipe of REM was an early advocate.  Not sure if this disc is representative of his other work.  But Ghetto Bells is just amazingly good.  Funky and cool.  Nicely recorded in Don Heffington's Backyard Guesthouse in Los Feliz!

2. Ryan Adams - Ashes & Fire - This is just gorgeous.  Beautifully and smartly recorded by the legendary Glyn Johns.  It's a hushed beauty of a record.  Norah Jones adds piano and vocals, and Benmont Tench adds some Hammond B3 Organ.  Ryan Adams* is a gifted singer and lyricist.  I just never listened to him before.  I know he has a long discography.  Don't know if this is characteristic of his other work, but this is stunningly good!

*Note:  I think I avoided Ryan Adams because I confused him with Bryan Adams!  This is not the same Adams at all!