Thursday, October 27, 2011

Moral and Patriotic!

George Lakoff, renowned linguist and the guru of "framing" writes a "memo" to the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  It is essential reading.  Sort of outlines how the movement can broadly position itself smack dab in the political dialogue of the country.

Lakoff lays it out nicely.  He makes the case that the movement can be the right action @ the right time.  The 99% can be the essential voice to reclaim a more inclusive, more prosperous and more "moral" America.  The conversation has been hi-jacked by the conservative jackals of our culture and it is time to re-direct the conversation!  

There are lots of smart, creative and committed people in this country.  They are finally waking up.  No going back to sleep now!

"Occupy Wall Street is a moral and patriotic movement. It sees Democracy as flowing from citizens caring about one another as well as themselves, and acting with both personal and social responsibility. Democratic governance is about The Public, and the liberty that The Public provides for a thriving Private Sphere. From such a democracy flows fairness, which is incompatible with a hugely disproportionate distribution of wealth. And from the sense of care implicit in such a democracy flows a commitment to the preservation of nature." - G. Lakoff