Thursday, October 06, 2011

Modeling the Sound

Whitewolfsonicprincess is still working on a new set of songs in the recording studio.  We finally finished mixing.  And we are on to "mastering."  This a weird process.  You put the tracks through compression, equalization and limiters.  It's all about bringing volume and density to the music without inhibiting the dynamic range.

Anyway, it's been eye and ear opening.  The engineer has all these tools available for the job, but finally it's all about aesthetics.  What sounds good to the ear?  There are a million little decisions made in the moment based on experience, intuition and "taste."

We brought some discs in to compare sound, to see if our tracks could hold up side by side with others we admire.  So far so good.  These are the "records" we brought in, and I realize they are some of my favorite discs over the last few years.  I have listened to these over and over.

Not saying this is what we sound like; different instrumentation, different vocalists, different types of songs, but there is something about the vibe or the feel or the ambience of these discs that that serve as a model for how we want the band and the songs to "sound." 

I'm kind of surprised by the discs I chose.  These are albums that have held up and inspired over many, many listens...

1. Cat Power's "The Greatest."
2. Lucinda William's "Essence."
3. Okervil River's "The Stage Names."