Saturday, October 08, 2011

Crisis in the Church of Capitalism!

More on Occupy Wall Street from John Robb!  He is preaching the truth, Brother!  We are watching a crisis unfolding in the hearts and minds of the believers of the Church of Capitalism!  Finally some of us are waking up to realize that the system just doesn't work anymore! 

"This isn't merely a crisis of outcomes (economic depression, financial panic, etc.), it's a crisis of BELIEF.  While people generally believe in the idea of capitalism, a critical mass of people now think that the global capitalist system we currently have is so badly run, so corrupt, so terrible at delivering results that it needs either a) a complete overhaul or b) we need to build something new.   
In short, in its tiny way, this protest may be the start of a reformation of the church of capitalism." - J. Robb