Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Our Gifts!

On the "good" days, LIFE and THE WORLD seem like these amazing gifts that have been handed over to us.  On the "bad" days, we find out that there are these strings attached to our gifts, and these strings are a tangled mess of contradictions and contingencies that assure that these "gifts" can (and will) be taken away without a moment's notice.

As they say, "reality bites!"

And no one knows how many good days and how many bad days are included in the package.  The gifts we receive are complicated and not simple.  And life and the world are complicated and not simple.

And our gifts are bigger than us.  Still, it really is bad form to look a gift-horse in the mouth.  So we accept our gifts as gifts, (even if we don't believe in or care about the gift-giver), warts and all...