Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Road to Nowhere - Of Course!

Last night we watched Monte Hellman's great movie, Road to Nowhere.  It's a low budget, no name actor kind of film.  Made by one of the our greatest filmmakers.  

How do you suffuse every scene of a movie with style and intelligence?  How do you make a movie that warps time?  How do you make a movie that changes your perception of the world?

How do you make a movie that keeps you guessing, and in the dark; and instead of being annoyed, you love it for it's mysteries?  And how do you do it all without digital effects?  And with out speed of light, roller coaster editing?

And again, how it is that every scene, every image is so layered and seems to throb with intelligence?

My take: it's a movie, within a movie, within a movie where telling what's movie, what's myth, what's a dream and what's reality is really hard to discern.  Sort of like our lives in these post bubble times.