Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wealthy Love the Wealthy

Maybe America's woes come down to one simple thing: the political, social and corporate classes who have the biggest megaphone and get the most attention are made up of wealthy people. And the wealthy only think the wealthy are worthy of respect.

The wealthy only take seriously the concerns of the wealthy. Everyone else is basically on the sidelines looking for help, or imagining that one day they too will be wealthy. So even lots of folks on the sidelines are obsessed with the concerns of the wealthy.

Maybe the poor and disenfranchised Schlubs think that if they think like the wealthy ones, they too will magically become wealthy too?!

Krugman has been hammering this home in his own way....

"it’s more a matter of the wealthy gravitating toward views of economic policy that make immediate sense in terms of their own interests, and politicians believing that only these views count as Serious because they’re the views of wealthy people."