Thursday, July 14, 2011

Benevolence vs. Malevolence

Sometimes I do think there is a raging class war going on in America. And it is only the millionaires amongst us who fight it out.

Which means the poor and middle class have to rely on the benevolent millionaires* to battle with the malevolent millionaires to protect their interests.

So it's a proxy battle. And sometimes it's all just shadow boxing. Because really, the millionaires have much more in common with each other than with the rest of us.

All those dollars really do add up to a striking difference. And in order to make life livable for the poor and working classes, the leisure class has to step up to the plate and sacrifice some of their gold.

It comes down to benevolence vs malevolence.

* And just why would a millionaire choose to be benevolent? Could be self-interest, if self-interest is defined broadly - it's better to live in a society that treats all it's citizens well, with dignity and justice for all - less crime, less social turmoil... plus maybe it feels good to do good?!