Saturday, June 25, 2011

Delirious New York/Glorious Diversity!

I agree with Andrew Sullivan that the vote to legalize Gay Marriage in New York is a BFD! And I am someone who has never been married, and don't really want to get married, and well, it's basically not my issue.

But I love the fact that our society has "progressed" to the point where gay people are being recognized as having the same rights and deserving the same respect as anyone else.

One of the great achievements of the grand liberal, melting-pot American Experience has been the relentless march of Civil Rights (Human Rights!), for all. I am with the Dali Lama when he reminds us that we are all human beings and in that fundamental sense we are all the same. And our differences make us unique, and those differences should be supported and celebrated!

I love the grand diversity of the human continuum! I also love New York. One of the most amazing cities ever imagined and constructed.

This a small step along the way, but it is also a major step forward. It almost seems ridiculous that it's still even an issue, but the forces of Reaction are strong and backward and recalcitrant. But I do think that human beings can sometimes see clearly, and it is in everyone's interest to recognize the beautiful humanity of all those around us.

Those unhappy folks pounding old musty books declaring that we've pissed-off God need a major re-think!