Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Awful People Run the World!

I guess when the revolution comes, and I'm pretty sure it is coming, (something has to give) I just don't think the rich folks are gonna suddenly wake up one morning and voluntarily decide to do the right thing, to share their wealth; so finally the great masses of the poor and unwashed will have to rise up, even if they don't want to, or even if they are too tired to raise a fist, and when the revolution comes (as per Mao) it probably won't be a dinner party.

At some point the hungry and oppressed ones will be pushed against the wall and they will just have to make a stand, and then the walls will start to shake and all hell will most likely break loose.

At least, that's my script.

It's clear that there are powerful, monied interests that rule the world, (here in the U.S. the vaunted middle class has been systematically robbed and dismantled!) and it's obvious that there is a class of folks who do not care if there are others suffering, and they are too arrogant and greedy and self-absorbed to see that it's really in their best interest to have an equitable society, to have lots, if not most, or really all, of the people of the world with more than just the basic necessities - well fed, well-educated, with health care and a decent pay for a decent day. There is more than enough to go around, we have a distribution problem and to fix it there needs to be a major reshuffling of the deck.

As Eschaton so succinctly put it yesterday, "awful people run the world!" And their day of reckoning is probably coming. Although, it may take time, and the poor, little folks will endure lots of pain and heartache first, before the new dawn breaks. If our last hope is for a class of benevolent rich people to wake up and fix things, I think we have a re-think coming!