Thursday, May 12, 2011

Unknown Sender

I don't know, maybe it's the end of days/rapture shit that's been swirling around in my head, but I've been in a really weird "metaphorical" frame of mind. Nothing is what it is, or nothing is only what it is, everything is itself, and points to something else too.

For instance...

Last night, near midnight, (sleeping soundly!) I received a text message from an "unknown sender." And even "unknown sender" sort of reverberates inside my being. The text message read...


Now I suppose there is an innocuous reading of this text. Mistaken identity. Right message to wrong person, whatever. But alternatively, this seems portentous, ominous, and possibly a query of existential proportions...

And leads to a number of soul-searching questions...

Close to what? Exactly what game are we talking about? Over? Like end of the world over? Is this a personal question? Is it a question at all? And who or what sent this little missive?

I didn't answer. I read it, re-read it and saved it. Still, I realize I do not want to know what I don't know. And I can't put my finger on what exactly it is I don't know.