Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Precognition. I think it happens often. In fact, I think it happens all the time. And that can be clarifying or mystifying.

I think a lot of our confusion, frustration and befuddlement comes from the clash of what we consciously know and what we "unconsciously" perceive.

Our rational and irrational signals are in a constant flux. I'm pretty sure our brains are like radio stations, (or two-way radios) we are constantly broadcasting and receiving signals. And other brains absorb these signals at an under the radar level.

It's like a back-channel communication. But it's one that we hardly acknowledge. And some of us have been taught to deny it's existence.

But then there is a "bleed" of knowledge that kind of seeps into us. That's what we think of as intuition. You can learn to cultivate it and to trust it.

And as it gets stronger, this intuition clarifies, it sheds light on everything. Sometimes then you can see things so clearly. Things that are "invisible." Things below the surface, things that have not happened yet...