Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mixing Sessions #4, #5 & #6

Yes, we keep mixing our new songs @ the recording studio. It is a slow, meticulous process. We have three sets of ears, all listening intently, deciding what sounds good and what doesn't.

We are all pretty much aligned. As our recording engineer put it, we are in a "creative collaboration," and even though it's work, and it costs money, it's been a very eye-opening and rewarding experience.

Sitting on a couch, listening to music - I realize I've been training for this type of work since about 3rd or 4th grade, since whenever I scored my first transistor radio. I remember lying in bed, in my pajamas, transistor radio to my ear, listening to Simon & Garfunkel's "Homeward Bound" on AM radio. That seems like another time and universe. And in a way it is/was.

We have 6 songs completed. Every time we finish one, we think, "that's my favorite song," which is a good sign. 5 or 6 songs to go. Not sure which ones will actually make the cut, but songs that I wasn't sure about when we recorded them, have emerged from the mixing sessions sparkling, beautiful and powerful, at least to this set of ears.

I'm pretty sure more surprises await us.