Saturday, May 07, 2011

Mixing Session #3

I'm probably keeping track more for myself, than for you...

So, yes, another mixing session at the recording studio. You realize that mixing could theoretically go on forever. There is no definitive mix. All mixes are choices, approximations. The more instruments and voices you have on a track, simply means the more choices, more approximations you have to work through.

Mixing is an art not a science, just like much of the stuff of our "human world." We approach this task as if it's the most important thing in the world. Even if it isn't. The more you listen, the more you hear, and then the more you listen, the less you hear.

I do think your ears, your brain can get so acclimated to a track that you no longer actually hear it, and you fill in and fix things. Kind of a weird phenomenon.

So we mixed and mixed and mixed again. Very little tweaks can have big effects. Another lesson.