Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Iliad and Odyssey

The NBA playoffs. There are no Cinderella teams. The playoffs are a long, hard slog, three rounds of best of sevens to get to the finals. Best of seven means there are no surprises. Each team exposes their strengths and weaknesses.

Young inexperienced teams are brutally exposed. Aging stars not quite able to match their previous form are unmasked. There is no sentimentality in the NBA.

A team going through the playoffs is kind of like someone experiencing their very own Iliad and Odyssey.

We have watched our young Chicago Bulls battle through Indiana, Atlanta, and now they are in a death struggle with Miami. The Bulls have had a remarkable season. Best record in the regular season, the coach of the year, the MVP, best defensive team in the league.

But it looks like they've topped out. For some reason they are not hitting the shots they hit during the regular season. They are a little less sure of themselves. Maybe a little intimidated by their opponent? They are young, maybe not enough "seasoning," haven't experienced enough pain, loss, and disappointment yet, haven't "paid their dues," and they are now matched against a formidable opponent who has finally found itself.

And this formidable opponent happens to be the dreaded Heat, led by the notorious 3 Amigos: Wade, Bosh and James. These three guys actually did a remarkable thing, they decided they wanted to play together, they wanted to join forces, and they all conspired to take less money for the greater cause of being on the same team.

LeBron James walked away from his hometown team, the team that gave him everything they could to keep him, for the chance to play with two of his best friends. And these three pissed off a lot of people by acting as if their friendship, their desire to play together, trumped all other concerns.

And it all looks like it's paying off. The Miami Heat totally dismantled the Boston Celtics in the second round, and they are dismantling our young, brave, Bulls now. It's real ugly, it's a brutal battle, and it's a great show, even though it hurts to watch our young stars get knocked around.

Bulls are down 3-1 and it's coming back to Chicago. It's not over yet, but it's getting pretty dark for our young, upstart heroes!

UPDATE: Well, our young Bulls went down in flames. All season they were able to put the hammer down, and "bulled" their way to the best record in the league. Well, Thursday night the hammer came down on them. LeBron James put the dagger in deep in crunch time. So a fine season ends. Is this just a first step to a new young championship-caliber Bulls team, or a blip on the horizon? I guess we shall see.