Monday, May 02, 2011

Big Time Bad Man Sleeps with the Fishes

You turn on the radio, you hear the news that a Big-Time Bad Man has been gunned down by Special Forces. You think Justice has probably been done; that it was a very neat, in the moment, execution.

You can't really celebrate another person's demise, but it does sound somehow like good news. But then, surprisingly, (even to you), you wonder if it's all really true. That's the kind of freaky world we live in, where everything is suspect, even when the word comes from people you think you trust.

Then you hear that the Big Time Bad Man's DNA (maybe now they can recreate him in a CIA lab and re-engineer him to be a Hip Hop artist or something?) has been taken and preserved, but his remains have been buried at sea. And this information is so weird, so unexpected. Really? Buried at sea? He now sleeps with the fishes? Really? Strange...