Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not As Bad As Chernobyl, Not As Bad As Chernobyl; OOPS, AS BAD AS CHERNOBYL!

I hate to be an alarmist. But if the alarm is ringing, what are you gonna do? The canary in the coal-mine dies first...

The more I read about nuclear power, the more I realize the whole thing is just a fantasy, built upon a house of sand.

We pretend that it is a safe source of energy. And we hope nothing goes wrong. And maybe nothing does goes wrong for awhile. But then inevitably, something will go wrong. Horribly wrong. And that should be the deal-killer.

Also we just kind of forget that we have no clue where to bury the waste. And some of that toxic shit is supremely toxic for a long time - a million years?! And maybe because a bunch of dorks in business suits and hardhats tell us that everything is OK, we just go along with the whole charade.

There's a whole bunch of money on the table. And we need the electricity. But that doesn't mean we should be stupid, and crazy, and poison ourselves and all life on the planet!

Dmitri Orlov says: "if it turns out that the way you've been generating it happens to be criminally negligent, then you shut it all down. If you have less electricity, you will use less electricity. If this implies that economic growth is over and that all of your financial institutions are insolvent and your country bankrupt, then—I am sorry, but at this point in time that's not even newsworthy."