Sunday, April 03, 2011

Love the Show!

Played a WhiteWolfSonicPrincess show at the Elbo Room in Chicago last night. We were the openers for a 5 band night.

We do love that rock club. They always do a nice job on the sound, and the staff is unnaturally courteous and helpful. Which is an amazing feat considering they do multi-band shows every night.

I thought we did a good job. Our little four person outfit has really bonded, we have grown into our songs, and the interplay between us is subtle and intuitive. We all listen and play off of each other. Our bass/drum combo is extraordinary.

I played my acoustic standing up, (got a new strap) which sounds like a little thing, but every detail counts. It allowed me to be a little more expressive, I could see more (wow our drummer does some amazing things back there on the kit!), but every once in awhile my strap started slipping, I was some times sort of wrestling with my guitar. Gotta make that work better.

The Lovely Carla did some of the best singing I've ever heard from her. We went first last night, and being the opener is kind of hard, people were still wandering in, the room was a little cold, it was a challenge to make us to focus on each other. Focus we did.