Friday, April 29, 2011

The Bananas Nation!

America: The Bananas Republic.

The President calls a press conference to present his birth certificate and to declare that yes he was of woman born, that he really is a human being, that he was birthed in Hawaii, which is actually, despite Don Ho and those all tacky leis, part of the United States.

The Donald, Mr. Trump, that over-stuffed dude with that horrendous growth on his head, (no don't tell me that's just a comb-over, something hideous has parked itself on that man's head), is being taken seriously by the Tea Party. Seriously. Really. I mean as a Presidential candidate. The man is a clown, a carnival barker, 4 times declared bankrupt, inherited his father's wealth. Only in the Bananas Republic.

Oh yeah, and don't forget other potential Republican Presidential candidates Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and well, the list of seriously deficient, sadly pernicious clowns continues to grow. Beyond scary. It's hysterical!

And yes, we are all in debt to our eyeballs too. No, it's past our eyeballs, in debt well over our big, empty heads. We are juggling three wars, and we maintain the largest military since the dawn of man. And just how are we supposed to solve our ballooning debt problem? Well, we intend to beat up on old people and poor people, and immigrants, and needy children too. Must keep America safe for the crony capitalists, the kleptocrats, the bankers and rich fat fucks.

Hell, this is the Bananas Republic!