Monday, March 07, 2011

There Will Be An Answer...

We played the local open mic Saturday night. We played one original and one cover. The cover was a Beatles song, yep, I've totally been on a Beatles kick, and somehow I convinced the Lovely Carla that we should sing "Let it Be."

On the one hand, as someone at the coffee shop remarked, "you can't go wrong with the Beatles." Meaning it's probably gonna be a good song that lots of people know and probably love.

And that's the downside too. At first, singing "Let it Be" seemed ridiculous. Hearing my voice ringing out, seemed like satire. I mean, we aren't really going to top the original. And singing such a famous song kind of exposes your own weaknesses.

So we kind of re-arranged it so that I sang the verses and Carla came in on the chorus. And instead of a piano, I banged out the chords on my big old acoustic guitar. Plus Carla did some sweet tambourine work.

Suddenly we sort of made it our own. We both totally connected with the lyrics, it's a sort of mystical gospel-like incantation. "When all the broken-hearted people, living in the world agree..."

It wasn't perfect, but when we got to the end we were banging it out with total exuberance and I was surprised the roof of the place didn't just open up and the two us didn't rise up out of the place into the sky...

We didn't... but we might've!