Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Degrees of Crazy

You hear all kinds of funny arguments in the world. Again, if you assume that most human beings are crazy, it all starts to make sense. That's right, assume that your fellow travelers are seriously twisted, and everything starts to make a certain sense.

Of course, you must assume that you too are seriously twisted. So whatever is making sense to you, is also probably really crazy too. Again, I'm not talking about "drooling on your shoes" nuts. Most of us seem competent and coherent. We can tie our shoes. We can walk and talk and appear normal.

No, the thick veneer of normality is probably the first hint that the crazy lurks nearby. And those of us who insist that they aren't crazy, the ones that think they have the answer, the moralists, the ones who want to tell you how to live your life, yep, those are most certainly the most perniciously twisted of the bunch!

There is no normal. There is no sanity. Only degrees of crazy...