Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crazy is Our Aquarium!

The idea that the majority of human beings running around on the planet are "sane" or "rational" is getting more and more untenable. I mean, I wonder if I've ever really believed it. Sometimes I think the prevalence of the drooling, talking-to-the-wind types, kind of distracts us from the reality that it's everyone else you really need to worry about.

If you engage in a conversation of any length, basically anything after small talk about the weather, the crazy starts to rear it's head. Maybe we've grown so accustomed to the "crazy talk" that it becomes less and less recognizable as crazy talk.

No sense in going into examples here. I've been swimming in the crazy lately, and I've engaged in it too. Yes, I too can do the crazy talk, the crazy walk. But then I can sort of retreat into a dark corner of my head and realize that what is said, what is believed is crazy! It has permeated all areas of human behavior.

Beliefs: religious, political, social... Totally Over the Bend Nuts!