Monday, February 07, 2011

Super Antidote

We decided to go all "counter-cultural" yesterday. First I barricaded myself in the house and played guitar and listened to music most of the day. Then we had a lovely pasta dinner. THEN, instead of tuning into the Super Bowl, we watched a Jean Luc Godard movie, "2 or 3 Things I Know About Her."

I mean, would Lombardi's ghost approve? Watching a French film instead of the super duper doings of all those steroidal freaks? Plus we decided to not do what everyone else was doing - and picked a film that really, really runs counter to the present culture.

Godard is a hard case. Of course, he's a master of a universe no one else even inhabits. His film plays with all the elements of a standard movie, and kind of blows up and subverts them. I guess I'd say this one is really a film essay on Capitalism, American Imperialism, Consumer culture, the commodification of human beings, fashion, sex and the hollowness of the modern world.

Made in 1967 at the height of the Vietnam war. The movie looks beautiful. The actors are charismatic. The off-screen narration pummels you with questions. Everything is up for grabs. It's amazing how few movies really push the envelope, this movie tears it up.

Loved it. I laughed and laughed and laughed. A very smart, funny movie. The perfect antidote to Super Bowl Sunday!