Thursday, February 10, 2011

Honest Job

Yeah, well, I was thinking about work. Honest work. An honest buck. I've had a few jobs where I really earned an honest buck for honest labor. Turns out honest work is not all that well-paid. I mean, you do a job and make a buck and you really earn it.

There are lots of jobs like that, hard-earned dollars for a hard day's work.

Then I think about other jobs I've had in the "corporate" realm. Most of those jobs were well paid, nice benefits, lots of "free lunches" and expense accounts. Cushy. I made lots of money, and really sometimes it wasn't hard at all.

And the companies weren't really all they were cracked up to be. Software not quite ready for prime time, hardware not really up to spec. And management that was corrupt, small-minded, greedy and well, basically stupid. Good money, lousy job. Bad conscience.

I think lots of our economy is built on the second type of job. Whole industries are little more than scams: Insurance, Financial Services, Software companies (Bug in the code?! Wait for the next revision!). Folks just have to kind of bury the guilt. Deep down they must know that what they are doing is an abomination.

An honest job can be exhausting. But at the end of the day - clear mind, open heart!