Tuesday, January 04, 2011

WikiLeaks vs. Bank of America?

This was the best little news item I read yesterday...

Julian Assange tells us that he is gonna "take down" a major American bank. Go Julian, go! I just hope he's able to get the information out soon. The bank doesn't want you to know what they do behind closed doors, what they think of their clients, what they do as a matter of day to day "business."

Let the truth see the light of day!

UPDATE: What's kind of funny in a not funny way, the article makes it clear that if the world really knew what Bank of America was doing, how they conduct business, how they treat Customers, what they did in the mortgage fiasco, etc. they would be in real trouble. They are lawyering up now, expecting lawsuits and public condemnation. So they are acting guilty, like they are running a criminal enterprise, but all is cool, as long as they hide it behind closed doors. That's American banking in a nutshell.