Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Voice of Reason

I do think we are lucky to have a major Public Servant in our midst who is smart, articulate, pragmatic, reasonable, upbeat, cool-headed, adult, optimistic, and inspiring.

In so many ways he is so counter to the discourse; he is an antidote, to our toxic political culture. He is a shining beacon in the night of the dark onslaught of Hate Radio, and Hate TV and Hate Inter-Tubes.

So much of our national conversation is dominated by Pernicious Clowns! I actually think the Toxic Clowns get louder and more obnoxious as it becomes more and more apparent that they are losers. Their ideas, their ideology of selfishness and greed only leads to a militant dead end.

The Hollowness of the Militant Right is deafening... into the void, a voice of reason resonates.