Sunday, January 09, 2011


Our band WhiteWolfSonicPrincess lucked into a Saturday night show at the Elbo Room last night. It was totally exhilarating. One of our best shows ever! The sound was superb. The Elbo Room is one of the premier rock clubs in Chicago. Maybe the country?

Everything clicked. The club was buzzing. Full of folks ready for a full night of great music. We were the openers. We had the full band with us and I must say we totally rocked. Our sound filled the room. We had the light show, the smoke machine. And we were tight. We could all hear each other. What a joyful noise. What a joyous experience!

We opened for a band called August Son. They were really good. They brought in a big crowd and their crowd was very receptive to our sound. August Son does sort of an alt-country thing, shades of Wilco. A perfect compliment to our sound. We definitely won some new fans.

We got lots of great feedback. The four of us were riding on a cloud of joy!