Thursday, October 21, 2010

A New Form of Courting...

Sometimes you got to wonder...

OK. Let's say you're a famous NFL Quarterback. You're revered by many. You come from a small town in the South. You have a beautiful wife, a couple daughters. You make big time money flinging a pigskin long distances. You are 40 years old.

So anyway, you're at training camp. You're feeling sort of lonely. You see a young lady who seems kind of appealing. And, well, in order to get her interested in you well, why not, you e-mail her pictures of your penis. Makes sense right?

Must be the new way of "courting." I mean in the old days maybe you buy her a box of chocolates, or a bouquet of flowers, ask her if she wants to go out to dinner. I mean, it's not surprising that you're thinking of fooling around on your wife. Hell, shit happens.

Still there's something a little "forward" about snapping pictures of yourself without any pants on and sending them off to the girl. Kind of presumptuous. You must really think your silly looking little dingy is quite the thing. And maybe if you could look at the pictures objectively you would see that it's really, really, really not.

I mean, you'd see it actually looks freaking ridiculous. Silly. Maybe it would have made a better impression with a little helmet and uniform? I mean, maybe you dress that sucker up a little!?! Maybe then she would have come running like a little deer ready to go a couple quarters with that thing?