Saturday, September 04, 2010

Lennon Bash

Yes, October is gonna be really cool. We will be hosting a John Lennon night. It would have been his 70th birthday on 10/9/10. Kind of mind-blowing...

A night of Lennon songs. Lots of performers doing Lennon stuff. He touched so many people across generations. I've been listening to lots of Lennon lately from his Beatles' days to his solo years. So much great music. One of the great r&r voices.

He was the angry one, the rocker, the weird one, the leader of the pack, the prophet of peace, the working class hero, the lost one, the bitingly funny one, the brilliant one, the naked one, the longhair, the junkie, the tripped-out one, the mad-head-over-heels-one, the one who always wore his heart on his sleeve, the primal screamer, the drunk one, the enlightening one, the inspirer, the dreamer.

I'm thinking of doing "God" and "Come Together," but then there's others I'd like to do too... "Rain," "A Day in the Life," "I'm Only Sleeping." Some seem impossible, how do you do justice to the man?!

Lennon is one of my personal touchstones...