Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sympathy for the Dumb Guy

I live in the Heartland, and I actually voted for Blago. I thought he was a dumb but honest guy. I got the dumb part right. So anyway, Blago has become this big joke. The Feds wire-tapped him and caught him on tape saying really ridiculous things. It's clear Blago really, really wanted to be corrupt. He wanted to be corrupt so badly.

But at the same time, his dumbness kind of overwhelmed his corruptness. Or his dumbness made all his hair-brained schemes go up in smoke. He talked a lot and it seems most people just ignored him.

Anyway he went on trial and his brilliant and clownish lawyer argued that his client was an idiot. And well, I guess his lawyer told the truth and some of the jury went along. And it looks like the idiot basically skated.

And I think our political system is such a corrupt, money sucking machine anyway, that being corrupt does not dis-qualify you from the job, no it actually qualifies you quite nicely. And most folks figure "everyone's doing it anyway." Some get caught. Most just skate.

And maybe there was some sympathy for the dumb guy. I mean he did end up losing his job. Which supposedly he hated anyway. So maybe everyone wins? Except the people who think their government is working for them. Those people might want a re-think!