Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big and Little Picture

Looking at the "big picture" is probably a "mug's game." The human thing is just such a weird job...

I guess if you go planetary, look at the universe as gases and rocks and energy, well then everything is fine.

If you go molecular, sub-atomic, it gets strange. There are odd forces beyond our control. But hell that's fine too.

So then you are left with your own human destiny. Some things seems to be in your control and lots of things don't. Maybe what we think we can control is illusory. Or maybe not.

Still there are some things I can choose: What will I have for lunch? Can I breathe through my left nostril? Will I write a new song today? Will I listen to the Dead Weather on my iPod? Can I make today a happy adventure?

Still you wonder if you are really choosing or has some invisible hand or some mystic force intervened?