Sunday, June 06, 2010

Spirits of the Seven Dircections

This incredibly sexy Shaman Woman visited our space yesterday. Astrid. She's from Chile. She's part Chilean and Swedish. Now that's a striking combo.

It all came together, pretty much on the spur of the moment, or on the spur of a couple of moments. So we ended up in a circle around flowers and candles with a small group of people who somehow found themselves in that particular place at that particular moment.

Astrid led us through some songs and chants. We called up the Spirits of the Seven Directions. And we said hello to Father Sky and Mother Earth. We connected with our ancestors and with the future generations of human beings coming down the line.

While we sang and chanted, a robust storm blew through and and a hard rain came down upon the roof. It was all very sexy and profound and fun and life-affirming.

Not your typical Saturday evening...