Thursday, May 13, 2010

Alone Again, Naturally

You listen to the news and it all sounds like madness. Babel. Then you read John Robb at Global Guerrillas and some sort of "sense" emerges:

"Instead, the current sovereign debt crisis is about something much more interesting: it's another battle in a war for dominance between "our" integrated, impersonal global economic system and traditional nation-states. At issue is whether a nation-state serves the interests of the governed or it serves the interests of a global economic system."

It is the Great Unraveling, and we are watching the Global Market at war with Nations. And the Global Pool of Money (They say, "the love of money is the root of all evil," and this pool of money is seriously in love with itself and only itself!) seems to be winning.

"You are on your own. You are in direct competition with everyone else in the world, and your success or failure is something you alone control." - J. Robb