Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mr. Mo Mojo

If you say "yes" you end up in places you didn't necessarily know you'd end up in. Sometimes this is good, sometimes not so good.

Yesterday it was good. I ended up in Mr. Mo's living room, listening to Mr. Mo and his friend from Madison, WI running through pop songs together. Mr Mo played guitar, piano and ukulele. Mr. Mo and his friend sang and harmonized like the Everly Brothers or John and Paul at their best.

It was a truly virtuoso performance. They ran through a mind-boggling catalog of songs: Beatles, Harry Nilsson, Beach Boys, Kinks, Simon and Garfunkel, Roy Orbison, the Archies, Abba, etc.

I think my favorite was Mr. Mo singing "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" to his own ukulele accompaniment, although "Strawberry Fields" and "Penny Lane" were pretty amazing too.

Who knew Mr. Mo had it in him?