Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I am Sun Green!

The highlight of my day yesterday...

I encountered the Dancing Man on the avenue yesterday.

The Dancing Man is our neighborhood trans-medium, our own "Shaman on the Block." He is a very unique character, a large spirit. Sometimes friendly, sometimes a little scary. Clearly in his own world, usually tapped into another realm, riding on his very own wavelength.

Sometimes he sings, sometimes he drums, sometimes he runs in place, or runs backwards.

The Lovely Carla and I are always keen to listen to the Dancing Man. Sometimes he conveys information. He has inspired lines or little seeds for songs. "Everything is Everything," came from the Dancing Man!

Yesterday he and I passed each other on the sidewalk. He looked me in the eye and broke into a big grin and said, "Sun Green." I took it that he was dubbing me "Sun Green." Now what's funny, one of my favorite Neil Young albums, "Greendale," which I love and listen to often, has a character named Sun Green.

Somehow all this has deep meaning for me. I mean I don't know what it means, but it means something. There's some secret narrative that I once in awhile glimpse.

I mean, I guess it was a slow news day.