Wednesday, March 03, 2010

IN PRAISE OF LOOTING...OR..."You must be honest, to live outside the law." - Dylan

Let's say there was a major catastrophe in your homeland. Maybe a hurricane, or an earthquake, or a horde of little green men blasts a hole in the artificial fabric of your reality.

Let's say there's no electricity. No food. No water. All the basics of survival are up for grabs.

Now you and I we figure we have to make it. No matter what.

So we go to the Supermarcado in our neighborhood, and we commandeer a couple of stray shopping carts and we start grabbing stuff like drunks at a strip club. We fill our shopping carts with all kinds of stuff and then we blow out of there. We head to our dark, blasted hovels and feast on our goods.

And some one back in their safe European home says "Why that's "LOOTING?!? Where is the military? Where be the cops?"

LOOTING?! Really? And you value property over people? Really?