Saturday, February 13, 2010

Zero Hedge: We are All Insolvent

Is this true? Is the world insolvent? Beats the hell out of me. But something rotten does seem to be floating in the political and economic swamps.

I've been getting this "world out of control" feeling a lot. Doesn't really scare me, I'm not a Chicken Little. If the sky's falling, I'll probably just sit back and watch it collapse on my head.

And then where will I be? Beats me.

So I read a lot of this stuff that seems plausible. I check out the numbers and charts not really grasping it all. I mean, if everyone is insolvent, doesn't that mean that no one is insolvent?

If we all just pretend, won't everything just be OK?! Can we all just print up more money and roll around in the stuff?

I know it doesn't sound like a great plan, but what else we gonna do? Beats me.