Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Love Yoko Ono

I love Yoko. I love this photo - Yoko, Eric Clapton (Is that a look of supreme befuddlement on Eric's face?) and Sean Ono Lennon. I love this story. I love the Plastic Ono Band.

Yoko is probably one of the most famous conceptual artists who ever walked the planet. She's famous for hi-jacking one of our most beloved Pop Cultural Icons and taking him in a completely Un-MopTop-Type direction.

It was a love and art thing beyond compare. She suffered lots of abuse and ridicule for loving and collaborating with a man.

Still, she powered on and has continued to make great, challenging work all these decades since we lost Beatle John to a madman.

I find Yoko one of the most inspiring people I've ever come across. Love her music, her style, her mind.

She is the ultimate artist and poet. Always ahead of the curve...