Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Hollow Husk of a Place!

I think this is certainly the story of our era: Wall Street's Bailout Hustle. No one has done a better job reporting and writing about it than Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone.

It's clear the wealthy folks of this country have scammed the rest of us. And the filthy rich (they are not filthy rich because they are smarter than the rest of us, they are just privileged crooks!) are playing the Feds for total patsies. Are the Feds just total saps or willing accomplices? Maybe both?!

This is a must read. What a Con game. What serious freaking money. We were so worried about foreign terrorists somehow destroying Fortress Amerika. Guess what? It turns out Wall Street, all those button downed bankers and traders burned the house down.

Our Empire is now a hollow husk of a place. We be Zombie Nation now. If there were still debtor prisons we'd all be on our way there now! Holy shit.