Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Elbo Room is Primo!

The Elbo Room in Chicago really is a great rock club. We were the openers last night. A Friday night and the place was hopping. The other acts were all pretty much hard core rockers. Our set was sort of an outlier.

We gave ourselves a B minus. We were a little rough around the edges. It's so weird, we've rehearsed these songs, but put us in a new room with a different sound system and everything seemed a little off.

Still by about the third song I think we hit a groove. Surprisingly our drummer showed up last minute. Didn't know he was gonna make the show. It was great to debut the new lineup. We are all so excited by our new sound. It is still coming together.

This morning I hear people from all over the country and Korea tuned into the web-cast. Now that's freaking amazing! WhiteWolfSonicPrincess flies!