Friday, January 08, 2010

Oscar Wilde - Pop Star

I'm currently reading a biography of Oscar Wilde...

So Oscar Wilde toured the U.S. in 1870's dressed up like a strutting peacock - knee breeches, silk stockings, funny hats, frilly shirts. He gave lectures on "beauty." He caused quite a stir in the press and the public.

I just recently finished Stanley Booth's "The True Adventures of the Rolling Stones," one of the great rock & roll books. Dare I say "rock literature" of a high order.

Mick Jagger toured the U.S. in the early 1970's (okay 1969) dressed up like a strutting peacock - knee breeches, silk stockings, funny hats, frilly shirts. He sang "Sympathy for the Devil," and "Stray Cat Blues." He caused quite a stir in the press and the public.

It dawns on me that if Oscar Wilde had been born in our era, he almost assuredly would have been a Pop star. Think Bowie, or Morrissey, or Brian Jones. Although, who knows if he could have carried a tune. Still it hasn't stopped anyone else.

In his time Oscar was celebrated and crucified. Probably would have been the same in this time. Maybe for different reasons, but what I like about Wilde, he was not shy about challenging the powers that be. Although this time around Oscar probably would have made a shit-load more money.